צפיות בכותרות
י"ח באלול התשפ"ב
▲︎ לוהט
▲︎ חם
▲︎ עוררו עניין
14:10:35 ◀︎ Jewish groups bring badly-needed supplies to war-torn Ukraine
14:17:02 ◀︎ Nir Orbach to step away from politics
14:34:07 ◀︎ Haredi parties rejoice after Derech Eretz MKs drop out of race
15:07:52 ◀︎ British lawmaker mourns Queen’s death with Kabbalah lesson
15:44:49 ◀︎ Mother: Arab daycare assistants must undergo security check
16:05:13 ◀︎ Nitzsana Darshan Leitner to run with Jewish Home party
16:06:15 ◀︎ Why He’s Not Wearing A Suit To His Bar Mitzvah
16:21:15 ◀︎ Noam party to run together with Religious Zionism
16:39:13 ◀︎ German state rabbi attacked, subjected to antisemitic abuse
16:56:45 ◀︎ Complaint filed with police against German foundations in Israel
17:02:25 ◀︎ Pres. Herzog: Rabbi Sacks' legacy will change the dialogue in the Jewish world
17:05:57 ◀︎ Ad Kan org. demands Ra'am be barred over Islamic Movement ties
17:27:43 ◀︎ Exploding package at Northeastern U criticized Zuckerberg
17:47:12 ◀︎ Lapid: PA officer in firefight with IDF escalates things to new level
17:48:25 ◀︎ UAE Chief Rabbi weds in largest Jewish event in the Gulf
18:03:34 ◀︎ Missing boy's mother buys him clothes for brother's bar mitzva
18:14:42 ◀︎ By protecting Jews, America's democracy was able to thrive
18:23:47 ◀︎ Ki Tavo: The legacy of HM The Queen
18:30:31 ◀︎ Bikurim-Rectification of the Sin of the Spies
18:36:06 ◀︎ Vandals deface historic Barcelona shul, rip mezuzah from door
18:47:25 ◀︎ In vitro gone wrong: Woman carrying embryo which is not hers
18:57:40 ◀︎ Chief of Staff: Chief of Staff: Maj. Falah showed courage and paid for it with his life
19:42:46 ◀︎ FBI seizes MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell’s phone
20:45:14 ◀︎ Two UK Jewish schools end kosher meals due to soaring costs
21:05:28 ◀︎ Bennett: This govt. was the best decision of my life
21:32:04 ◀︎ Sens. call for Russia to be on state sponsors of terrorism list
21:59:54 ◀︎ Choosing life: Jonathan Pollard is officially engaged
22:21:01 ◀︎ Des Moines, Iowa: Neo-Nazi rides around in 'hate bus' blaming Jews for 9/11
23:08:48 ◀︎ Lebanon: Woman robs own money from bank to pay for sister’s cancer care
23:45:28 ◀︎ 48 days to the elections: Jewish Home Central Committee approves agreement with Shaked